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3 Pro Choice Organizations Fighting for Abortion Access

Abortion access in the U.S. is at risk, especially since Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the Supreme Court. There are over 20 court cases that could reach the Supreme Court and lead to them severely limiting abortion access.
The right to choose is central to the fight for an equal society. As NARAL Pro- Choice America says, “When the right to abortion is endangered, the fundamental equality of women is threatened. A woman can never be equal if she is denied the basic right to make decisions for herself and her family.”
We have to organize and fight to protect and expand reproductive rights. There are state laws limiting access, anti-choice organizations setting up fake medical clinics to lie to desperate women, and angry protesters harassing patients of abortion providers.
They claim to be “pro-life,” but, in reality, they’re anti- choice. Statistically, when abortion access is limited more women die, infant mortality goes up, and abortions go underground and become incredibly dangerous.
There are amazing pro choice organizations working to protect the right to choose in the U.S. and around the globe. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to get involved that aren’t donating money (all of my extra $$$ is for my student loans). Read on to learn more about how to join the fight to defend and expand reproductive rights!

Pro Choice Organizations #1: Planned Parenthood

There’s so much to love about Planned Parenthood, it’s hard to narrow it down. They provide comprehensive reproductive healthcare for everyone, campaign to defend and expand healthcare and abortion access, and so much more.
In addition to their healthcare centers, Planned Parenthood also has an activist organization, a PAC, and a lobbying group. They provide necessary healthcare in an inclusive environment, and they campaign in DC to make sure we can access it.

Besides donating your time or money, they also have super easy ways to join the fight online. For example, you can update your profile pictures with their overlay, send a strongly worded, pre-written (score!) letter to the Director of Health and Human Services, and encourage your representatives to fight for the right to choose. To find out how to do these and more, check out their action site here.
To get even more involved, you can volunteer with PP or other certified abortion providers in a few ways: you can make calls from your home, escort patients from the parking lot into the clinic, or even become an abortion doula.
And, if you have money to spare, you can donate to the Planned Parenthood Action fund, which is their non-partisan, non-profit pro choice organization that works to advance and defend reproductive rights and sexual healthcare access.

Pro Choice Organizations #2: Emily’s List

Okay my fierce feminist friends, how many of you are going to run for office someday? I hope you do- even if you don’t think you will now!
We need more progressive, pro choice women in public office to fight for and expand reproductive rights. Emily’s List wants to make sure they get elected. They provide democratic, pro choice candidates with the support, information, and resources they need to get elected into public office. With 2020 getting closer by the day, their work is crucial.
If you’re interested in getting into politics, they have a ton of resources available. You can find information about being a candidate, a campaign volunteer, or a candidate’s employee! Their campaign, Run to Win, is a “national recruitment and training campaign focused on helping pro-choice Democratic women around the country run for office—and win.”
You can learn more about getting involved on their website, through their online trainings, or by attending an in-person training session. Learn more here– and let me know when I can vote for you!

To prepare for election season, you can also learn about the candidates they’re endorsing and how to support their campaigns. Check out that information here!
You can attend a local event to learn more, meet some of their candidates, and even meet elected officials. You can look for them here!

Pro Choice Organizations #3: NARAL Pro- Choice America

NARAL organizes and mobilizes their 2 million+ members to fight for abortion rights. They believe, “everyone should be able to decide if, when, how, and with whom they start or grow a family.”
Sounds pretty obvious, huh? Unfortunately, as we know, a loooot of people are against this idea. These are the people NARAL wants to defeat. They work to vote anti-choice politicians out of office, campaign against laws that limit reproductive rights, and educate politicians about the importance of abortion access.
Their core issues are creating easier access to abortion and birth control, fighting pregnancy discrimination, and working for a national paid family leave policy. The U.S. is way behind on these policies compared to other developed nations, so each of these is incredibly important in the fight for gender equity.
To join (one of my favorite) pro choice organizations, you can sign up to volunteer and they’ll keep you in the loop about how to fight for reproductive rights nationally and in your area. You can also share their images on social media to spread the word or donate to fund their efforts!
The right to choose is a critical aspect of healthcare and needs to be protected in the US. Currently, it’s under attack and will continue to be at risk throughout the year. Defending and expanding abortion access is crucial, so consider getting involved with pro choice organizations like Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List (I’ll vote for you!), or NARAL Pro Choice America. Whether you donate money, volunteer your time, or help spread the word, you can fight to protect the right to choose!

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