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How to Feel Confident During Job Interviews

Interviews are a crucial part of landing a new job, but they can be so nerve wracking. These tips will teach you  how to be confident in an interview, so you can show them why you’re the best for their job! 

I totally understand why people get nervous before and during job interviews: you have to walk into a room filled with one or more strangers who are going to ask you a series of unknown questions. Yeah, that’s totally terrifying. BUT it doesn’t have to be that way!

I actually get excited about job interviews, and, with a little change in perspective and some preparation, you can too!

First, you need to alter how you think about interviews. Rather than see them as the unknown, view them as an opportunity to present the best version of yourself.

Think of all the frustrating parts about writing a resume or cover letter- one of them is how hard it is to show everything awesome about you in 2 documents. 

But, with a job interview, that barrier is gone: you don’t have to worry about fitting yourself into a document, because you’re there to present yourself and your experiences in person or over the phone.

Start seeing your interviews as an opportunity to present your best self and prep with that in mind.

These tips will walk you through  how to be confident in job interviews and help you show employers why you’re awesome!

Why it’s important to be confident in an interview

The purpose of a job interview is to give employers a peek at who you are as a person and an employee. It’s your chance to tell your story directly to them, without the fussiness of resumes and cover letters.

Since the purpose is to be YOU, employers want to see that you’re confident about who you are as an employee. I know, I know, it’s easier than it sounds, but it’s important.

You don’t have to be Miss America confident to rock it either, it’s okay if you doubt yourself. But, in your interview, you don’t want those doubts to show.

You ARE an amazing person, and it’s important you remind yourself of that before you walk into your job interview.

That’s the key to having confidence in interviews: believing in your awesomeness!

Woman getting dressed for how to be confident in a job interview

Look good, feel good

One of the best ways to boost confidence before a job interview is choosing an outfit that makes you feel powerful af.

Pamper yourself with a fashion show the day before your interview, so you can choose an outfit that makes you feel as amazing as you are.

Choose an outfit you want to strut your stuff in all day, so you can power walk into that interview.


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If you wear something that makes you feel confident, you’ll speak more confidently at your interview. If you wear something that makes you smile, you’ll smile during your interview. If you wear something that makes you feel professional, you’ll act more professional during your interview.

See how it all connects? You may not be the boss (yet), but you can still dress like one!

Practice your walk

Like Tyra Banks said to top model contestants: you need to work on your walk. Especially if you’re like me and don’t wear heels regularly- practice practice practice!

You don’t have to wear heels to your interview, but if you do, make sure you’re prepared to walk in them with confidence.

If you’re feeling shaky in your outfit or heels, you won’t be able to interview with confidence.

I like to try on my entire interview outfit the day before and walk around in it for a while. You want to look professional, but feel comfortable in your outfit at the same time.

If not, your discomfort will show during the interview.

Get used to that snazzy outfit beforehand, so you can be confident in your job interview!

Wondering how to be confident in a phone interview? Check out 6 Expert Tips to Prep for a Phone or Video Job Interview

Boost confidence with a mock interview

I know what you’re thinking when you picture a mock interview: awkward!!”

Trust me, it’ll help. If you’re wondering how to answer interview questions confidently, a mock job interview is the key.

Have someone ask you common interview questions and give you feedback on your responses. If no one is around, ask yourself the questions and answer in the mirror.

Along with giving you a confidence boost, this also helps you strategize your answers for interview questions like: “tell me about yourself,” “what are your weaknesses,” “where do you see yourself in 5 years,” etc. 

Practice giving these answers beforehand, so you don’t seem thrown off during your interview. 

Still nervous about answering interview questions with confidence? Check out How to Perfectly Answer Job Interview Questions

Be careful though- there’s a fine line between prepared and scripted. Make sure you don’t over practice to the point where you sound robotic during your interview!

Doing a mock interview, even if you’re by yourself, is one of my best tips on how to be confident in an interview, so don’t skip it!


Are online job apps making your career sour? The key to candy coating your career is networking!

In this FREE workshop, I’ll teach you how to ditch your resume & grow the best resource you have as a job seeker: your network!

Give yourself a pep talk

I do this before every single one of my interviews: I look myself in the eyes in the rearview mirror of my car and tell myself how great I am. I’m serious- I do it each time it always gives me a pre interview confidence boost.

Don’t be afraid to pump yourself up! Do it while you’re alone- either in your car in the parking lot or your bathroom mirror at home. 

Just make direct eye contact with yourself and list off your strengths. Smile at yourself! Celebrate you and all you can achieve, then go in there and let them see all of your amazingness!

Believe in yourself, erase negative self talk, and you’ll totally be confident in your job interview!

Research, research, research

Preparedness is your key to crushing your interview with confidence! Read everything you can about the company- their website, news articles, LinkedIn profiles about their employees, etc. 

You should learn the company inside and out!

This will benefit you for a few reasons: you’ll seem more knowledgeable during your interview, you’ll be prepared to ask specific, impressive questions at the end, and you’ll be confident with your decision to apply with them.

Employers want to see your interest in the company and the more info you arm yourself with, the more it’ll boost your confidence in your job interview!

Woman researching for how to be confident during a job interview

Prep your own Questions

At the end of every job interview, employers will hand the reins over to you to ask them questions. 

This is important

Don’t assume the interview is over and brush off this opportunity– they want to hear the kind of questions you come up with.

Having questions shows your interest and attentiveness- you should  have questions anyways! 

This is a big decision on both sides, so you have the right to utilize this time. Prepare several questions beforehand, so you don’t stumble during this moment. You don’t have to ask all of them, but you want to have back ups in case any of them get answered during the interview.

The best way to boost confidence during your job interview is by preparing, especially since asking questions is the part some interviewees get the most nervous about.

Check out The 21 Best Questions to Ask in an Interview  for more tips!

Job interviews can be scary, but you don’t have to let your nerves get the best of you! Prepare yourself by walking around in your outfit, thinking through answers to difficult questions, and doing a mock interview. And don’t forget to interview with confidence by pumping yourself up with a pep talk!

I hope these tips showed you  how to be confident in an interview , so you can walk out of it with a job. Don’t forget, you’re amazing and more than capable of OWNING your interview!!

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