Has a request for your cover letter left you yelling, “Wtf is the purpose of a cover letter?!” Join the club! Cover letters aren’t always fun to write, but they do serve a purpose. And, hopefully, understanding what a cover letter is and the importance of cover letters will make writing them much easier!
There are many reasons to invest time in making your cover letters absolutely outstanding.
One that always motivates me is: anything you do in your job application (writing an amazing cover letter, customizing your resume, etc) that someone else doesn’t do, gets you one step closer to an interview.
Anytime you’re wondering, “What is a cover letter even used for?!” and thinking about just reusing an old one, stop for a minute. Imagine your job hunt is a reality competition show and you need to stand out in today’s challenge: writing a kickass, custom cover letter.
So, now that you’re motivated to write the BEST cover letter possible, it’s time to get started! Let’s dive into your strategy to win that cover letter competition: what a cover letter is for a job application, the purpose of a cover letter, and why they’re SO important.

What is a cover letter?
If you’ve been wondering, “What is a cover letter for a resume?” or “What is a cover letter for a job?” then listen up!
There are 2 main parts to the cover letter definition:
- It’s a business document infused with YOU
- It’s a glimpse at your story
Let’s get deep into what each of those means, so we answer all of your questions about “What is a cover letter for a resume?”
Business document infused with YOU
Let’s start by answering the first question you prob have: “What is a cover letter??”
Basically, a cover letter is a business document with a twist. Rather than being a sterile, dry business document, your cover letter should be infused with YOU.
Cover letters are your chance to show them how excited you are about the position, your passion for the work you’d be doing, and your drive to succeed.
Throughout your cover letter, focus on adding statements that show your passion. For example, at the end of your first paragraph, you could use this template:
“My years of experience working in [FIELD], coupled with my passion for [INDUSTRY], have prepared me to be a driven and dedicated [JOB TITLE].”
Short statements like that are the perfect way to showcase the heart of why you’re applying for the job and sneak in more info about how amazing you are!
Wish you could name drop in your cover letters? Grab my 10 strategies to network with confidence to learn how!
Are online job apps making your career sour? The key to candy coating your career is networking!
In this FREE workshop, I’ll teach you how to ditch your resume & grow the best resource you have as a job seeker: your network!
Your story
When you take cover letters a step further than “business document,” they become a way to tell your story.

Yes, it’s a small glance at a narrow part of your story, but it’s still important they hear it. That’s why part of the purpose of a cover letter is to focus on one or two of your experiences and describe them in detail.
When you’re asking, “What is a cover letter for a resume?” you’re actually thinking about the purpose of a cover letter wrong. Instead of focusing on matching your resume by turning it into sentences (don’t do this!!), use your cover letter to show the kind of employee you are by telling a story from a past job.
To give them a quality story, describe a problem you solved, something you overcame, or a project you led at a past position.
Don’t use your cover letter as an extended resume. Instead, focus the body of your cover letter on a small sliver of your story to really make an impact on who’s reading it!
Now that we’ve answered, “What is a cover letter for a job application?” and “What is a cover letter for a resume?” let’s go over what a cover letter looks like and the purpose of a cover letter!
What does a cover letter look like?
A cover letter is 1 page document sent as a PDF. It looks like a combo of an old-fashioned letter and a mini essay.
For more information about how to format and write cover letters, check out How to Address a Cover Letter and How to Write a Perfect Cover letter!
What is the purpose of a cover letter?
Since we’ve covered the basics of “What is a cover letter?” it’s time to dive deeper into the purpose of a cover letter.
There are 2 main uses of your cover letter:
- To build a bridge
- To show your soft skills
Let’s get deep into what each of those look like, so you can start writing kickass cover letters!

Build a bridge
Tbh, this is the absolute key to writing a stand-out cover letter and the true purpose of a cover letter. To understand it, we have to break down the parts of a standard job application.
- The job description lists what THEY- the employer- wants. It’s, essentially, their wishlist for the job.
- Your resume lists what YOU have done. It’s a (strategic, detailed) list of your experiences.
Your cover letter’s purpose is to show how those 2 are the same. It builds a bridge between their list and your list to show your connection to their job.
If you skip sending a cover letter, your application is missing that bridge. Then, you’re just sending them a list in response to their list- which isn’t quite good enough.
Instead, you need to give them the context for your resume and show how it fits exactly what they’re looking for in the job description. THAT is the heart of the purpose of a cover letter.
Wishing you could use your cover letter to name drop? Grab my 10 strategies to network with confidence to get started!
Are online job apps making your career sour? The key to candy coating your career is networking!
In this FREE workshop, I’ll teach you how to ditch your resume & grow the best resource you have as a job seeker: your network!
Soft skills
The final purpose of a cover letter is to show your soft skills.
Typically, the bottom of your resume is your “Skills” section- but there’s one common myth about it. That part of your resume is not for soft skills, like “customer service” and “team player.”
Instead, those skills go in your cover letter.
Rather than list your soft skills on your resume, use your cover letter to show your soft skills.
For example, instead of saying you’re a good team player, use a paragraph of your cover letter to describe a time you excelled on a team.
The same goes for communication skills, work ethic, and organization: in your cover letter, use stories to show your soft skills.
How important is a cover letter?
Cover letters are a crucial part of standing out in your job search. Like I mentioned earlier, the importance of a cover letter comes from the bridge it builds from what they want to what you’ve done.
By using your cover letter to tell your story and show your soft skills, you’ll draw a direct line from you to them. This will instantly help you stand out as a frontrunner for the position!
I promise, the purpose of a cover letter is more than just annoying job seekers. Now that you know what it is, why asking “What is a cover letter for a resume?” is backwards, and the purpose of a cover letter, you’re ready to write kickass cover letters! Remember to be excited for the position, tell your story, build a bridge from you to them, and show your soft skills. Keep in mind how important cover letters are and they’ll be much easier to write!
Ready to stop relying on cover letters? Grab my 10 best strategies to network with confidence & transform your job search!