Writing a modern cover letter can feel mysterious- schools don’t teach us how to write them and jobs aren’t always clear if they want one. Luckily, there are a few tricks to writing an effective cover letter every time.
These 9 secrets will teach you exactly what you need to write an amazing cover letter that gets YOU noticed!
1. The #1 Effective Cover Letter Rule: Send One
This might be obvious, but it answers one of the most common cover letter questions: is a cover letter necessary?
The most effective cover letter is, well, one you actually send. Unless a job description specifically asks you not to send a cover letter, then you should definitely write and send one.

Not convinced? Check out Why You (Still) Need a Cover Letter
2. Customize it
Now, here’s some disappointing news about cover letters: you absolutely have to customize them.
Yep, that means an effective cover letter is one you write from scratch for each position you’re applying for.
Why is this so important? There are a few reasons:
- Employers can always, always, always tell when you use a template for your cover letter. If you’re just copying and pasting the same paragraphs and only changing the names, they will pick up on it.
- It’s a way to connect YOU directly to the job description. The trick to an amazing cover letter is using language from the job description to describe your experiences. So, pull exact phrases from the job description and incorporate them into your cover letter- this will make you stand out from the crowd and show how ready YOU are for their job.
- We’ll talk about this more later, but customizing your cover letter also gives you a chance to show your passion for a position, which totally impresses employers.
Even though it takes more time, customizing is a crucial part of writing an effective cover letter.
Ready to stop worrying about cover letters? Learn my secrets to networking with confidence and transform your job search!
Are online job apps making your career sour? The key to candy coating your career is networking!
In this FREE workshop, I’ll teach you how to ditch your resume & grow the best resource you have as a job seeker: your network!
3. Infuse it with YOU
This ties in with customizing your cover letter: your cover letter will stand out if it’s infused with you.
Work to show them who you are as an employee when you’re writing your cover letter. Use specific examples of times you succeeded at work or solved a problem.
Infuse your excitement for the job and the field you’re in. Write so they feel like they’re seeing a glimpse of you at work.
The most effective cover letter is one that shows who YOU are as an employee, so make sure you’re infusing your cover letter with YOU.
4. Be specific and concise
It might be helpful to think of an effective cover letter as a balancing act. It’s important to find the right mix of being specific while keeping it short.
Since your cover letter is limited to one page, you definitely want to be concise with your writing. However, you also want to give them a super clear picture of who you are as an employee.
When you’re working on your cover letter, focus on writing specific examples and then shortening them into as few sentences as you can. Being concise is generally good writing advice too, so it’s a great way to sharpen your skills as a writer!

5. Show your soft skills
There’s a common myth in the world of resumes and cover letters. Usually, people add a Skills section to the bottom of their resume- which is good- but then they fill it with soft skills.
Soft skills are things like:
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Customer service
- Cheeriness
- Independence
They’re not really tangible or measureable. And- surprise! They def don’t belong in your skills section!
Curious about other resume mistakes you could be making? Check out Fix these Common Resume Mistakes Right Now
Instead of just listing your soft skills on your resume, you should show them on your cover letter.
Use one paragraph on your cover letter to dive into an example of you using the soft skills they’re looking for. So, for example, if the job you’re applying for is really focused on teamwork, then write a paragraph about a time you succeeded with a team during a past position.
A really amazing cover letter has a deep dive into a time you used several soft skills from their job description to solve a problem or accomplish something.
6. Be passionate
You might’ve picked up on this, but lemme say it 1 more time: in a modern cover letter, it’s crucial to be passionate.
An effective cover letter shows them you truly care about the work you’d be doing. Add in short phrases or full sentences that demonstrate your passion for the job throughout your cover letter.
For example, I usually end the first paragraph (introduction) of my cover letters with a sentence that shows my passion and experience. It’ll say something like: “My experiences with ____, combined with my passion for ______, would make me an excellent _____.”
By sneaking in phrases about your passion for the job, you’ll show employers that- not only are you an experienced, skilled candidate- you’re also someone whose heart is in it.
Struggling to figure out your passions? Check out this vid on finding your passion and makin’ it your job!
7. Focus on the employer
When I worked in Career Services, this was one of the most common cover letter mistakes I saw: clients focused too much on what they would get out of the job.
Although landing the job would definitely help your career, it’s- tbh- not important to employers (right now). Once you’re hired and they get to know you, then they will care about your future and career.
However, right now, you’re just an application to them, so they don’t care about how much this job will teach and help you. So, an effective cover letter focuses on what YOU will bring to THEM.
Ready to stop worrying about cover letters? Learn my secrets to networking with confidence and revitalize your job hunt!
Are online job apps making your career sour? The key to candy coating your career is networking!
In this FREE workshop, I’ll teach you how to ditch your resume & grow the best resource you have as a job seeker: your network!
Focus your cover letter on how your experiences and personality make you the best candidate for their job. Does it feel like bragging? Hell yes! But that’s what a modern cover letter is for, so go for it!!
8. Make it a PDF
This one is simple, but very important.
When you send a modern cover letter (and resume), make sure you save it as a PDF. If you leave it as a Word Doc file, then the formatting can get messed up when they open it on their computer. As a PDF, the format stays the same no matter what.
Got that one? Great! There’s only one more secret to an amazing cover letter…

9. Proofread, proofread, proofread
PROOFREAD. Have I said it enough yet?
Listen, I get it: after you’ve obsessed over making each sentence perfect and balanced, you’re sick of reading this darn thing.
Stuck on writing an effective cover letter? Check out The Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Cover Letter
I always think about skipping my proofreading sesh when I’m writing cover letters. But, after reminding myself how important it is to proofread, I make myself read it over a couple more times.
If you’re thinking about skipping this step, then it’s helpful to walk away from your cover letter and computer for a little bit. Once you’ve relaxed, come back to it and you’ll feel more refreshed and ready to proofread. Sometimes, I’ll wait a full day until I come back to proofread, so I get a little extra separation from it.
There it is- everything you need to know about how to write an effective cover letter. All it takes is 9 ingredients: sending one (unless they tell you not to), customizing it, infusing it with YOU, being specific and concise, showing your soft skills, being passionate, focusing on the employer, sending it as a PDF, and proofreading it. With these steps, your cover letter will definitely stand out and impress employers!
Ready to stop relying on cover letters? Transform your job search with my free guide on the 10 best strategies to network with confidence!